EEG Essentials: Advanced Curriculum
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3 Courses
Credit Offered
No Credit Offered

Electroencephalography (EEG) interpretation is a complex skill which requires specialized training. The experience and learning are improved with a systematic approach towards EEG. The American Epilepsy Society EEG Essentials is an innovative online delivered modular approach to EEG learning. It has been designed and created by practicing epileptologists from all across the nation, and it is aimed at all learners who wish to learn or enhance their EEG interpretation skills.  

EEG interpretation is best learned with a combination of didactic education, self-study, and hands-on teaching. While AES EEG Essentials is designed as a standalone resource, learners will find it ideal when combined with other local or institutional educational resources. Training programs may also find AES EEG Essentials well-suited to be included into their in-house educational curriculums. Use of AES EEG Essentials will result in improved and comparable learning experiences for learners all over the nation. 

Course Goals: 

  • Offer a comprehensive and structured learner driven and self-paced EEG learning resource 

  • Offer learning and self-assessment opportunities for a wide range of learners. 

  • Act as an online supplement to institutional and in person learning experiences 

  • Serve as a curriculum on EEG learning for uniform and comparable learning experiences across the nation. 



AES EEG Essentials takes a systematic and well-structured approach towards teaching and learning EEG interpretation. The self-paced curriculum consists of different modules across several topics. Each submodule consists of 1 didactic presentation (lecture), 5 multiple-choice questions (MCQ), and 1 Structured EEG Assessment Tool (SEAT). The lecture presents a brief and focused overview of the topic. The lectures are learner driven and allow self-paced review of the material. Aimed review time for the lecture material is 15 – 30 minutes. Slower or repeated review, per learner’s preference, is encouraged. The multiple-choice questions allow self-assessment of knowledge learned from the lecture review and supplement the knowledge acquired. The SEAT is a unique approach to teaching EEG interpretation. It consists of case based scrollable EEG sample. The learner gets the opportunity to systematically interpret the EEG using a coding sheet and compare their interpretation to an expert’s interpretation with detailed explanation. The SEAT not only offers an objective self-assessment and review, but also inculcates a habit of systematic approach to EEG interpretation. 

AES EEG Essentials does not offer CME or CEU credit.

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This resource provides practical guidance to effectively communicate the process, interpret results, and discuss potential outcomes.
Primary: Adult and Pediatric Neurology Junior Residents

Secondary: Fellows (Clinical Neurophysiology, Epilepsy), Practicing neurologists, Epilepsy researchers with interest in human EEG

EEG/Neurodiagnostic Technologists are encouraged to contact ASET to learn about the ASET Core EEG Curriculum (EEG 200-212 online courses). ASET’s comprehensive courses are based on the ASET National Competency Skill Standards for Performing Electroencephalography.   
For further information or assistance with this activity contact the American Epilepsy Society at or call 312.883.3800.
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