Genetic Testing in Epilepsy: Improving the Patient and Caregiver Experience
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Leah Schust Myers has spent her entire career working in health care administration and never imagined she would find a use for her skills in an entirely different way. Through her experience, she learned how to manage the needs of large populations within a medical setting. When Leah's son, Ben, was diagnosed with an SCN2A-related disorder in 2012, it became abundantly clear how to leverage her 20+ years of experience to help not only her family, but hundreds of others. In 2019, Leah transitioned from her volunteer position as President of the Foundation Board, to the Executive Director role. The experience she brings with her, especially from her most recent position as Executive Project Manager for a fortune 500 Healthcare company, is giving the foundation the professional edge to meet the growing needs of the community.

SCN2A Foundation
childhood epilepsy
genetic diagnosis
parental advocacy
early intervention
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